Dinner Stop When Losing Weight!! True or False?

Dinner Stop When Losing Weight!! True or False? - When on a diet, many people avoid dinner. At least starting at 7 pm, they have shut up the meeting. The reason: no maximum calorie burning, until the fat accumulates.

But this theory disproved nutritionist Jaime Mass, MS, RD He said, the calories will still be calories, no matter when the food and drink was consumed.

He added that, if the total calorie intake per day is greater than the burning, of course, gain weight, whatever the time of your meal.

The problem is, most women would consume half of their daily calories at dinner. One study found that a third of people consume 15 percent more calories after 11 pm.

In fact, if the dinner menu are vegetables and steamed or boiled protein, then it will not be a problem. Even if you eat over at 8 pm. But if the selected food is pizza, cup cake or fried chicken, do not be surprised if the increased body fat.

"The desire to eat at night is often caused by stress during the day. If you eat because of stress when they are not hungry, it is tempting unhealthy foods," Jaime said, as quoted by Women's Health.

Even so, eat at night is not recommended by diet and nutrition experts. But it is not solely due to trigger obesity. Based on the research of Obesity Research & Clinical Practice, eating just before bed improve blood sugar for 24 hours.

While the study published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine shows that consumption of foods high in fat and calories at night cause insomnia.

So, eat at night is not actually banned. Choose low-calorie foods such as fresh fruits, salads with olive oil dressing or whole wheat toast with a poached egg. Source : viva.co.id
Title : Dinner Stop When Losing Weight!! True or False?
Description : Dinner Stop When Losing Weight !! True or False ? - When on a diet , many people avoid dinner . At least starting at 7 pm ...

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