Good Breakfast For a Diet To Lose Weight

Good Breakfast For a Diet To Lose Weight - If you think that breakfast will mess up your diet, throw away that thought. Regular breakfast can actually lose weight.

How to breakfast optimum effect for the body?

1. Eight to 10 hours after dinner (and do not eat anything else) is the ideal time for breakfast. The body has had enough time to metabolize and ready to receive the first nutrient intake in the morning.

2. Fruit or fruit juice with pulp (not fruit juice) is the recommended first foods. In the morning, the sugars in the body down to the lowest level. The body compensates by releasing the glucose that has been stored in muscle tissue and liver (glycogen). Increase intake of fresh fruit juice or fruit at breakfast is highly recommended, because it contains a lot of vitamins and minerals that nourish. Natural fruit juice can increase blood sugar levels after a night we did not eat. Bananas, for example, can meet the needs of carbohydrates, vitamin C, vitamin B-6, magnesium, and potassium.

3. Continue with the good eating carbohydrates glucose. Cereals or wheat bread peanut butter, for example, can increase the memory capacity of the brain. If the body is not getting enough glucose at breakfast, the brain function or memory can be disrupted.

4. You can select the following breakfast menu: a serving of cereal with low fat milk, or boiled eggs (one egg contains 70 calories large size and meets 13% of the daily protein requirement), or omelette containing tomatoes, low-fat cheese and spinach to the stomach full longer. Another option, you can choose the contents of wheat bread low fat cheese or brown rice plus a plate of scrambled eggs (from 1 egg) with sliced ​​tomatoes or lettuce.

5. Make sure the complex carbohydrates and proteins are always present in your breakfast menu.
Title : Good Breakfast For a Diet To Lose Weight
Description : Good Breakfast For a Diet To Lose Weight - If you think that breakfast will mess up your diet , throw away that thought. ...

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