Bad Habits That Lead To Obesity

Bad Habits That Lead To Obesity - If you are doing a diet program to lose weight should avoid this bad habit. Because of this habit as opposed to your program. I'm sure your program will fail and not get the results you want. If this bad habit you usually do, reduce piecemeal or stay away or stop. That bad habit:

  • Most Sleep

The ideal time is 6-7 hours of sleep per day, at night. If someone adds bedtime will potentially make the body fat. Likewise if sesesorang more sleep during the day and little sleep at night. But researchers from Wake Forest mention sleep five hours or less a day triggers the accumulation of fat in the abdomen.
  • Eating Is Always a Glut

When the meal is always Lahab and greedily so that the stomach is full and very satisfied. So the eyes become sleepy and lazy work. If this is allowed to happen in a few days the weight will surely rise quickly

  • Not Like To Drink Water.

Drink plenty of water is good for health, excess sugars and proteins can be toxic waste through urine. If lazy drinking water and drinking more soda and sugar in the accumulation of calories will result in fat storage.

  • Never Exercise.

never exercise or activity that never sweat makes no occurrence of burning fat. So step by step fat will accumulate in one part of the body.

  • Snacks Consuming Every Time

Often eat snacks made ​​no balanced nutritional intake control. You might think the food with the label 'fat free' can keep you from the nightmare of excess weight. But enjoy the snack every time will only make you feel more hungry. As a result, you also consume excessive snack

  • Often Eat Fatty Foods.

Fatty foods is definitely high in calories. Such as meat, butter and cheese. It feels good when eating this food and did not want to stop before satiety.

  • Often Eat Sweet Foods.

Similarly, fatty foods or sweet foods that contain high sugar levels are also high in calories. If you are running a diet program should reduce sugary foods or high sugar levels if you do not want to lose weight diet program you fail.
Title : Bad Habits That Lead To Obesity
Description : Bad Habits That Lead To Obesity - If you are doing a diet program to lose weight should avoid this bad habit . Because of this h...

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