Lost Weight Up To 226 Kilogram.

Lost Weight Up To 226 Kilogram - Melissa Morris. Her weight had reached 305 pounds. At that time, Morris was unable to walk alone. He had to be carried by her husband, Chris. Even for shopping in the mall, Morris uses a scooter.

At one point, Morris realized. For the sake of his daughter who was 2 years old, Morris following a weight loss program. As a preliminary step, he underwent gastric bypass surgery or bariatric surgery is performed to limit the intake and absorption of food by the portion of the gastric bypass.

If the first Morris could eat 2 burgers, 20 nuggets, chocolate, fizzy drinks and then after the surgery it all changed. He underwent a strict diet every day. These efforts succeeded. Morris lost weight up to 226 pounds. Source : viva.co.id

Title : Lost Weight Up To 226 Kilogram.
Description : Lost Weight Up To 226 Kilogram - Melissa Morris. Her weight had reached 305 pounds. At that time, Morris was unable to walk alone. He ha...

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