Fat Body Filed Her Having Sex

Fat Body Filed Her Having Sex - Jessica Pancheri (36) realized that he was the one who are lazy to exercise and bad eating habits. Although he knew the food just give him a temporary effect, but still he could lose control.

For years he struggled to maintain his marriage the physical intimacy. Until one night he was crying in bed because her husband will not touch her ​​again because of her weight. When Jessica heard the sentence, his taste was destroyed, he felt embarrassed, angry, hurt and even disgusted with himself. Unbeknownst to her husband, he also intends to lose weight.

Jessica embarked on a mission to stop snacking diet, drinking more water and avoid other types of beverages such as soda, as well as choose a sugar-free beverage. He was eating breakfast and lunch in a controlled manner and without recourse. The program is also supported by the exercise undertaken. Although initially difficult for Jessica, but he never thought could successfully run 30 minutes with success.

Title : Fat Body Filed Her Having Sex
Description : Fat Body Filed Her Having Sex - Jessica Pancheri (36) realized that he was the one who are lazy to exercise and bad eating habits. Altho...

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