Fat Has Surgery To Lose Weight

Fat Has Surgery To Lose Weight - Kenneth Brumley was one of the world's heaviest man ever recorded in history. He is also called "Half Ton Dad". Father of four children weighing 1035 pounds (468 kg), or nearly half a ton.

In a documentary, Kenneth is known for four years just lying in bed. When he had to undergo gastric bypass surgery at Renaissance Hospital, Houston, must be uprooted his bedroom so that he could get out first. In addition, car transport is not an ordinary car, but ... fire trucks !!!

At Renaissance Hospital, Kenneth specialist team who treated Renee Williams once worked. Renee Williams is the heaviest woman in the world at that time. The first step is diet lived 1 200 calories per day, which makes losing weight as much as 76 pounds in 40 days.

Furthermore, a team of doctors performed the surgery on two fat deposits that are in both legs. The first surgery had to be restricted after five hours, because it is known there is a tumor in his right leg who was also immediately removed. This single tumor weighing 19 kg.

After a few days of healing, the doctors remove any remaining tumor from the left leg, along with fatty deposits in the stomach making. From this second operation, the weight back down to 95 kg.

So, after going through two operations, Kenneth original body weight could be lowered to 468 kg 354 kg. Subsequently, he underwent a strict diet, which can drastically decrease the weight as much as 132 kg, so it becomes 222 kg.

Now Kenneth condition is vastly improved. Due to its lower weight, he was able to stand even though it is limited in a few minutes a day.
Title : Fat Has Surgery To Lose Weight
Description : Fat Has Surgery To Lose Weight - Kenneth Brumley was one of the world's heaviest man ever recorded in history . He is also cal...

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